La Mayordomía Cristiana y el Cuidado de la Creación

Christian Stewardship and Creation Care

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God’s creation is an incomparable wonder that surrounds us in every corner of our planet. In the Christian worldview, the concept of stewardship plays a fundamental role in our relationship with God’s creation.

In this article, we will explore the importance of Christian stewardship in caring for creation and how we can fulfill this divine responsibility.

1. The Stewardship Mandate in the Bible

The Bible teaches us that God created the world and gave it to humanity as a precious gift. In Genesis 1:26-28, we read that God gave humanity dominion over creation, but this dominion should not be understood as an unlimited right of exploitation, but rather as a responsibility of care .

We are stewards of God's creation, called to steward it and preserve it for future generations.

Christian brand, Christian clothing brands, Alma brand, Christian youth, Christian t-shirts, Christian sweatshirts, high quality and organic cotton

2. Creation Groans

In Romans 8:22, the apostle Paul tells us that “the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.” This scripture reminds us that creation is affected by human sin and suffers because of our irresponsible actions . As Christians, we need to be aware of how our everyday choices can negatively impact the environment and contribute to the suffering of creation.

3. Environmental Responsibility

Christian stewardship involves significant environmental responsibility. This means making informed and conscious choices about how we use natural resources, how we treat animals, and how we reduce our ecological footprint . We must look for ways to conserve and restore God’s creation rather than depleting its resources and damaging its beauty.

Christian brand, Christian clothing brands, Alma brand, Christian youth, Christian t-shirts, Christian sweatshirts, high quality and organic cotton

4. Care of Creation as an Act of Worship

Caring for creation is not only a responsibility, but also an act of worship. When we care for the Earth and its inhabitants, we are reflecting God’s love and compassion . We are also fulfilling the mandate to love our neighbors , which includes future generations who will inherit this planet.

5. Practical Actions: Sustainable Fashion

Christian brand, Christian clothing brands, Alma brand, Christian youth, Christian t-shirts, Christian sweatshirts, high quality and organic cotton

One concrete and meaningful way to live out Christian stewardship over creation is through sustainable and eco-friendly shopping. Here are some ways sustainable fashion, like the one we offer at Alma Marca, contributes to this commitment:

  • Using Organic Cotton. Organic cotton is grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers that are harmful to the environment. This choice promotes sustainable agricultural practices and reduces the ecological footprint of fashion.
  • High Quality and Durability. Our garments are designed to be high quality and long lasting. This means you don't have to constantly buy new clothes, which reduces the amount of textile waste and pressure on natural resources.

6. More practical actions

To live Christian stewardship in relation to creation, we can take concrete steps , such as:

  • Reduce our consumption of natural resources, such as water and energy.
  • Recycle and reuse whenever possible.
  • Support sustainability initiatives such as high-quality, long-lasting sustainable clothing.
  • Take care of animals and treat them with respect.
  • Educate others about the importance of environmental stewardship.


Christian stewardship is an important reminder that we are responsible for caring for God’s creation. By acknowledging our responsibility and taking steps to protect and preserve the Earth, we are honoring God and showing love toward our future generations . Let us always remember that Christian stewardship is not only a duty, but also an act of worship and love for the Creator and His creation.

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